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20 April 2012



How very special! I am the Washington State Rep for Dress A Girl Around the world and many of our dresses go to Haiti so I know a little about the poverty there. This is a great idea to help the ladies! http://sewdelightful.blogspot.com/

Lori Bei Durst

Hi Rebecca, I haven't checked in for months. Glad to see all this activity still going on for Haiti. I would love to send a few fabric scraps and maybe a towel or two. :o) I'll send you an email too. Fondly, Lori

Donna N.

Thanks for the Pinterest info Rebecca. I've signed up to participate. This is my first ever and I'm excited to help!


Oh, this is so helpful -- I wasn't sure whether or not I was on the right track! :)


Can I add any of the items on your side bar in addition to my aprons to the same address?
Thanks, Jana

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